Thursday, June 4, 2009

Super Vixen

Forget putting on a cape as a kid and pretending to fly on the lawn ....

Today -- when I put on my hot salsa costume for the first time -- I felt like a super hero. The costume is now known as Super Vixen. ;)

You'll see why on Saturday night. It's fabulous. Our designer/seamstress/jill of all trades Miss Christina Morrison really pulled this one off.

All of a sudden, the weeks of hard training and rehearsals were tranformed into reality when I put on that costume, did a few of our steps, and realized that we are only two days away from the performance.

And then came the nerves.

I mean ... give me a breaking news story where I have to go live at a moment's notice, speaking to the country on CBC-TV. Put me in the path of an angry guilty person who doesn't want to be interviewed by me, but I perservere. Put me at Evolution nightclub with Nine Inch Nails blasting. THOSE situations ... I rock.

But salsa dancing. In a skimpy (but uber cute and flashy) costume. In front of 250+ people. In a ballroom I've never danced in. Doing incredible lifts and flips that I'm still trying to finesse. And NOT get nervous?! Um yeah ... the yoga breathing will be in FULL force that night! :)

I'm SO excited. Look out Cat Woman. Look out Superwoman. Super Vixen ... coming to a ballroom near you ...!

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